
Kidderminster Motor Car Club (KMCC) was founded in 1961 by a group of enthusiasts who had one common interest – THE MOTOR CAR.

The Club’s first headquarters were set up at the Queens Head Public House, Wolverley, but as membership grew it became necessary, in 1973, to move to a larger headquarters at the Gainsborough House Hotel, Bewdley Hill, Kidderminster, where more than ten years were spent. Following a three-year spell at the Live and Let Live Public House, Wolverley and five years at the Dog Inn, Harvington, in 1995 the Club moved to the Fountain Inn, Low Habberley. The sale of these premises in 1999 necessitated a move to the Kingsford Public House, Wolverley. In September 2004 the Club moved to its present home at the Hare & Hounds Country Inn, Shenstone.

In 1979, when motorsport costs were escalating, the Club became Kidderminster Motor Car Club Limited. The limited company status gave increased insurance protection to its members.

Like all Motorsport in the UK, since 1971 KMCC has been governed by the General Regulations issued by Motorsport UK [previously Motor Sports Association (MSA)], which provides affiliated motor clubs with the necessary insurance cover for motoring events.

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